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Dancing In The Light

You wanna go out tonight
you put your black dress on
just a little make up
and the red lipstick too

so you're walking down the street
you do not feel the rain on your skin
you go to your favourite club
you feel like a hunter in this night

you're dancing to the music
you feel the beat
you move your body
and you feel the hit
everybody is looking at you tonight
when you're dancing in the light

you're dancing to the music
you feel the beat
you move your body
and you feel the hit
everybody is looking at you tonight
when you're dancing in the light

Look at me I am the misstres of the night
see me dancing, see me moving in the light
you will never get me as I'm dancing with myself
I don't want you to touch me
'cause I'm a solitary girl

why did you not see it coming?
you couldn't run away
is happen so suddenly
you couldn't speak a word
he pushed your hands to the floor
he touched you everywhere
he taste your blood on your tongue
you're lying naked in the rain
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Время: 04:15

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