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She was not one of them
She never had a friend
She was the one that got taste
She was not one of them
She always stands alone
Nobody gave her returns
she was always pushed around
she was not one of them

She is in love with the devil,
She is in love with Lucifer
This is her revenge for all the years of pain
and tears
Fire is falling from the sky,
she is burning down her past
She starts a new life,
to hell with Jesus Christ
Love with the devil,
She is in love with Lucifer
This is her revenge for all the years of pain
and tears
Fire is falling from the sky,
she is burning down her past
She starts a new life,
to hell with Jesus Christ

Her parents died by accident
She never felt in love with someone
Nobody understood her fear
And every night she cryied for help
she prayied to God 'cause she was told to
But he never spoked to her
She felt so cold and left alone
But then the fallen angel came

And then the fallen angel came
To heal the pain inside her heart
Her broken heart
she close her eyes and soul
His goodness and the truth
She is not alone
He's always there

She is in love with the devil,
She is in love with Lucifer
This is her revenge for all the years of pain
and tears
Fire is falling from the sky,
she is burning down her past
She starts a new life,
to hell with Jesus Christ
Love with the devil,
She is in love with Lucifer
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Время: 00:53

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