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Singing Dead Men

Truths are in the words of angels,
let us awake the ghost inside.
Follow us into the mirror,
curse the day, escape the night.

Break all the chains of imagination,
don't be afraid of coming home.
We'll open all doors of secret chambers
and take you to our labyrinth down.

We open our evil arms of fables,
around your pure and fragile dream.
The sun went down, the night is rising,
fear pushes you forward like a storm.

We'll tell you tales of endless pleasures
and put our black seed into your heart.
A flower needs the sun to keep from dying,
like this we spread our wings in your heart.

Und ich schaute und erblickte einen Engel.
Und in seiner rechten Hand, war, der Schlüssel zum Abgrund.

Oceans burst upon the rocks,
laughing skulls their sing our songs.
Riding death above your head,
descend you into eternal depth.

We'll open all doors of secret chambers
and take you to our labyrinth down.
A thunder storm that calls your name,
life kneels to kiss you once again.

No way back into the real world,
you feeling empty and cold inside.
You're just sitting in this white room,
demons whispering from far behind.

Break all the chains of imagination,
don't be afraid of coming home.
We'll open all doors of secret chambers
and take you to our labyrinth down.

Oceans burst upon the rocks,
laughing skulls their sing our songs.
Riding death above your head,
descend you into eternal depth.
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Время: 00:53

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